Friday, September 2, 2016

Audience and Genre Free Write

Audience and genre tend to go hand in hand. I feel that if the writer has a specific audience they plan on writing to, then that will definitely narrow down the genre of their piece. For example, if your audience is stay-at-home moms, then you might write a blog or a book versus writing a more academic piece. It can also be reversed: if the writer plans on writing a specific genre, then that can sometimes determine their audience. For example, if you are writing a scientific paper, your audience will be scientists who are interested in your work and how it may play into their work. Your genre or audience won’t always predict the other exactly; however, it definitely narrows down the options for the other, and the two definitely correlate.   

1 comment:

  1. Great free-write! You use good examples to illustrate your point, which is that audience and genre "go hand in hand." Good job in including how audience affects which genre an author might choose, as well as the reverse: genre determining audience. You offer particularly astute analysis in the last sentence of your free-write.

    Grade: Check
