my first blog post, a lot of the comments were concerning my wording and my
formatting, such as starting a new paragraph. I will be taking this into
consideration so my blog post is easier to understand and flows better. Another
comment was to elaborate on causes for stress eating, which I think is a good
idea and I plan to elaborate on this when I revise my first blog post. In my
second blog post, one of the questions was why did I choose the specific
recipes I used, and I think I could clarify a little why I chose each of the
recipes. Another comment said to discuss which one of the recipes of macaroni
and cheese I prefer, and I think that is an interesting thing to elaborate on
in my second blog post. I also was a little shy in both of my blog posts about
using personal anecdotes, but one of the comments on my second blog post said
to include more, so I plan on including those in my revised version. I also
want to include funny pictures and gifs to make it less formal and more like a
Buzzfeed article.
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